This is The Idea Writers PDF summary by Teressa Iezzi. Hope you like it.

What is The Idea Writers PDF summary?

If you´re a copywriter, you probably know all this already. At least if you´re a good one. With that said, I still think that you should read the book because the best copywriters never acknowledge themselves to be the best. Perhaps you´re thinking: "Hey, I´ve already read so much about communication in general and copywriting in particular – I´m more interested in books in different areas that can boost my existing knowledge in copywriting".

Fuck that. Everybody needs to go back to the basics from time to time. I think that by doing so you get more out of everything you do in practice. It is how theory boosts practice in an agile way; learning the foundations, start experimenting by yourself and then go back to the basics again to refine the next loop of practice. I promise that you´ll look at things from a different perspective. The Idea Writers PDF summary is a nice read, but don´t forget to read the whole book as well. Check out Teressa Iezzis website to learn more about her work.

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Description of The Idea Writers PDF summary from Amazon

This book is a must read for any copywriter and anyone looking to understand the new realities of the brand creativity business. A memorable slogan has been the cornerstone of every great ad campaign. In the past, writing one great headline could launch a career. But today's advertising campaigns are interactive, multi-platform and ongoing, and the copywriter's canvas is vast. At any given time, a copywriter may be conceiving a video game, writing a TV show, maintaining a Twitter feed, creating a mobile app or an interactive installation or, yes, writing a headline or a TV script. While the best copywriters have always been brand storytellers, now that story can play out anywhere. The digital revolution put control in the hands of the people – the audience – now no longer just consumers, but active participants in a brand's story.

The art and science of advertising has gone from creating one-way messages to engaging audiences in ongoing conversations. A new ad landscape means new opportunities for writers who now have the incredible opportunity to push brand narrative to places it's never been before and to actually create something so useful or entertaining that it generates its own audience. It also means that many of the rules of the past – while exceedingly worthy of study – are insufficient to guide the modern copywriter. Co-published with AdvertisingAge, The Idea Writers outlines the changing landscape of the advertising industry while providing useful how-to advice.

the idea writers pdf

Who is Teressa Iezzi?

Teressa Iezzi is a New York-based writer and editor. She is a staff editor at Fast Company, covering all things creative in advertising and marketing, entertainment, tech and culture. She edits Fast Company’s creativity channel, Co.Create. Previously, she was editor of Advertising Age’s Creativity, which covers all things creative in advertising, design and popular culture. She is a frequent speaker on creativity and popular culture at industry events and in the media.

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